Sunday, September 21, 2008

What weekend???

Hi everyone. The title to my post sounds quite negative huh? I'm just kidding. It has just been an extremely busy weekend. I had planned on spending my entire Saturday cleaning and packing some stuff. dad called me around 9:00 am on Saturday and told me he had free tickets to the Razorback game. Well, being that they were free and we haven't been to a game yet this year, we took him up on the offer. Well, needless to say - 6 hours later - we lost BIG TIME! I almost wished I had stayed home but it was a good time for Rick and I to have some fun together. The funny thing is that our seats were right in the middle of Alabama fans. The hogs were playing terrible and I'll promise you that you would not have wanted to have our seats. We ended up leaving our seats around half time and went to sit with my brother in Arkansas territory. We left with 2 minutes left on the clock. I know Petrino will eventually have a good team but they are not good at all!

My Sunday was spent at church. I helped out in the Youth for the early service, went to late service, ran to Sonic to eat a quick lunch, prepared for and hosted a baby shower then we headed to our connection group. We finally grabbed some dinner on the way home and it was 8:30!! Can I say kids...bathtime...late for bed and it is Sunday night! Our week isn't starting out too good.

We received an awesome word from the Lord today from our Pastor's message. It was on satan and how he is deceptive and destructive. It was also a history on how he fell from heaven and where he will end up. Anyways, it was a great message - just one of those you need to hear.

Well, I better get to bed. It will be 5:00 am before I know it. God bless y'all! Have a great night!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

God is so good!

Ok, here goes...I am trying this blog thing again! I hope this time I will keep up with it. Blogging really is fun and my husband keeps asking me if I am ever going to create a blog. So, here goes...
You can learn so much from reading someones blog. Once I get into the habit of updating everyday, I intend to send this to our family members that are spread out throughout the U.S. so that they can keep up to date with our lives.
I just want to use this post to write that "God is so good"! Yes, he is. He is there in the midst of troubles, in the happiest of times and just when life seems unbearable. I hope that anyone who is reading this knows the Lord Jesus and can agree with me when I say "God is good"!
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Thought I'd share a few pics of my boys and my girl...


Loren and Rick