Thursday, September 18, 2008

God is so good!

Ok, here goes...I am trying this blog thing again! I hope this time I will keep up with it. Blogging really is fun and my husband keeps asking me if I am ever going to create a blog. So, here goes...
You can learn so much from reading someones blog. Once I get into the habit of updating everyday, I intend to send this to our family members that are spread out throughout the U.S. so that they can keep up to date with our lives.
I just want to use this post to write that "God is so good"! Yes, he is. He is there in the midst of troubles, in the happiest of times and just when life seems unbearable. I hope that anyone who is reading this knows the Lord Jesus and can agree with me when I say "God is good"!
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Thought I'd share a few pics of my boys and my girl...


Loren and Rick


Pam said...

Looks great. Glad you are trying it again.

Our Desire said...

I love your background Kim, so pretty. I am so glad you are blogging. Love you girl! :)

PJ Friedel said...

The blog looks awesome! Thanks for sending it to me. Just want you to know that you are an amazing woman and I am blessed to know you (even if it is just by e-mail!).