Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This weekend my daughter's best friend spent the night. They had so much fun. I remember being their age. It is a fun time!

This picture is of L and R before church Sunday evening. It was "Bring a Friend Day" so L brought R with us. The kids were supposed to dress the same. My girl and R were the only kids to dress the same. I went to Wal-Mart and picked out these outfits especially for them. Thank the Lord they were on clearance.

Picture of their complete outfit. Aren't they cute?

This is a picture of them dressed up in play clothes. Miss R is in a halter style gown (made out of a poodle skirt and scarf) and L is in one of her dance outfits. They had makeup on and were they stylin' or what?
This is their "pose". I just love little girls. It is so much fun to dress them up and let them pretend to be big. I have to watch that last part though because they grow up fast enough as it is.

The girls had a fun weekend. I am sure we will do this again soon!

My sister and her family came up this weekend. It was so nice to see them. I was going to post a picture but I didn't have a recent one. I wish that we lived closer but we make the most of the time we get together.

Well, I must get busy with the usual...WASHING CLOTHES! UGH!! Have a blessed evening and great day tomorrow!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Follow up to Eureka Springs

A fellow blogger let me know that the Psalm 23 sign at the Passion Play grounds says this

"and if I go through the dark valley, I have no fear."

What beautiful words and they are German!

Eureka Springs

Rick and I needed some "us" time so we headed to Eureka Springs, AR yesterday. Eureka Springs is such a beautiful little town with unique shops and great restaurants. It was busy yesterday but we had a great time. This photo was taken in the Basin Springs area in downtown Eureka Springs...not the best because it was one of those hold the camera out in front of you type things. :-)

This is the entrance to Basin Springs in Eureka. This little area has beautiful water fountains and flowers with a small ampitheatre for bands and performances.

For those of you who have heard of the Cresent Hotel in Eureka Springs, this is it. It is a beautiful place. I took this photo standing across the valley in front of the Christ of the Ozarks. The hotel is said to be haunted. I just kind of ignore that part.

This is the entrance to the Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs. If you haven't seen the Passion Play you MUST! It is held in an outdoor ampitheatre (holds 4,100 people) and it tells the story of Christ's life. There are live animals and hundreds of actors. It is awesome. Rick and I had our first date there. Kind of strange, I know but it was special!

Right after you go through the entrance of the Passion Play and are on your way to the statue of the Christ of the Ozarks, this area is to your right and it quotes Psalm 23 in another language. I plan to find out what language this is so I won't feel so stupid! I'm sure it is Greek or Hebrew.

This is the statue of the Christ of the Ozarks on the ground of the Great Passion Play. It is huge. It stands 67 feet tall. Rick and I are standing in front of it. A sweet lady from Alabama took the picture for us. I love to meet people from all over the United States and this is one place you can do that.

This is a closer picture of the statues face. It was strange that there were hundreds of insects swarming it yesterday. Everyone was standing around trying to figure out what they were and why they were attracted to the statue. You might be able to see them is you look close enough.

This is a picture of the plaque that shows the artist who sculpted the Christ. It quotes Matthew 1:20-21.
On our way home yesterday, we stopped at the War Eagle Mill in Rogers, Arkansas. If you haven't been you need to go. It is an old mill dating back to the early 1900s. They still make flour, cornmeal, batters, etc. there. You can even purchase these for your own baking/cooking. Yummy! There is also a restaurant on the 3rd floor called the Bean Palace. I haven't eaten there but Rick says its delicious!

This is a picture of the bridge and the small waterfall underneath it. It was a gorgeous fall day yesterday and we were blessed to have the time to see some of God's beauty!

Well, house work calls so I must go. Happy Friday to you All!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sky Angel Cowboy

Hello there...I was reading a blog this morning and watched a you tube video called "Sky Angel Cowboy". Y'all, it was just precious. I have put it on my blog because it touched me so much. Oh to have a young child understand the gift of God's son is just amazing. This boy is going to much for our Lord Jesus.


I couldn't get the You Tube to paste in but click the link and watch.

God bless you all today!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Moving Madnes...

I haven't posted in a while. We have moved to another house in our hometown. We moved maybe two miles away but we did it without packing anything. It was one of those moves where you put things in boxes as you go through rooms. What a mess! We are in the new place and trying to get it organized. It is really nice. I would post pictures if I had them. I'll try to do that at a later date.

I want to share how much God has done our my lives recently. Life has been somewhat of a struggle lately but you know, with God, all things are possible. We have been living in the unknown - my husband being unemployed, me about to be, not knowing where we were going to move to. Those kinds of things can become quite stressful. Sometimes you wonder if God has forgotten you or if he just doesn't want to help out at the time. It isn't either of those things, it is that the situation hasn't worked out for exactly what He has planned for your family and it must work to His glory. If we pray to God for help, he will come through - in HIS own time. I had a good friend give me reference to a passage in Isaiah the other day. I was really struggling with needing answers and it really spoke to me so I'd like to share it.

Isaiah 45:5-7 v 5. "I am the LORD and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me, v6. so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting men may know there is none besides me. I am the LORD and there is no other. v. 7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things."

Isn't that powerful? It is amazing to me. It just shows me how powerful and in control God truly is in our lives. May we always be open to His plan in His time.

Things are still a bit crazy for us but we will make it through. God is our Rock and Savior. To him be praise and glory forever!

I took this picture from the backyard of our house we just moved from. Look at the rays of the sun...just gorgeous. I see God all in this picture.