Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This weekend my daughter's best friend spent the night. They had so much fun. I remember being their age. It is a fun time!

This picture is of L and R before church Sunday evening. It was "Bring a Friend Day" so L brought R with us. The kids were supposed to dress the same. My girl and R were the only kids to dress the same. I went to Wal-Mart and picked out these outfits especially for them. Thank the Lord they were on clearance.

Picture of their complete outfit. Aren't they cute?

This is a picture of them dressed up in play clothes. Miss R is in a halter style gown (made out of a poodle skirt and scarf) and L is in one of her dance outfits. They had makeup on and were they stylin' or what?
This is their "pose". I just love little girls. It is so much fun to dress them up and let them pretend to be big. I have to watch that last part though because they grow up fast enough as it is.

The girls had a fun weekend. I am sure we will do this again soon!

My sister and her family came up this weekend. It was so nice to see them. I was going to post a picture but I didn't have a recent one. I wish that we lived closer but we make the most of the time we get together.

Well, I must get busy with the usual...WASHING CLOTHES! UGH!! Have a blessed evening and great day tomorrow!

1 comment:

Our Desire said...

They are so cute. It is so much fun to see them happy and developing great friendships.

Love you Kim!