Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh Praise Him!

My heart is joyful today! I am so grateful for the many blessings the Lord has poured into my life. Today is a day when I am speechless. I just want to Praise Him today! He deserves our praise, you know? The bible says that we are to Praise Him each and every day. We should praise Him in good times and bad times. I hope you make time to praise Him today. Take a moment in your car, at your desk, where ever you are and just close your eyes and praise Him! Thank Him for what He has done for you, what He is doing, and what He is going to do.

Last night I got to hear my nephew at his choir concert. I was so blessed to be there and see him participate in the concert. For those of you who know him, this is something that you would have never seen him do in the past. He is a changed young man and changed by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is so precious to me and I only pray and hope the best for him.

I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season and are keeping your heart focused on Jesus. May God bless you and may you have a wonderful day!


Pam said...

Is this Johnny's boy? Fantastic, that is a blessing!

Rick said...

Babe I want to tell you about my blessing, I will keep it short.1)Gods mercey on me and our lives. 2)would be you the way you take care of me and our kids.3) our kidds they have so much of you in them. Strong, loving,and just all around joy to be with them.

Love you and I am proud and Blessed to have you as my wife.

Our Desire said...

I am so happy you all. I know God will continue to help him grow. I pray it overflows into other family members needing Christ too. Love you Kim!! Merry Christmas!!! :)